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Build Into An International First-class Stamping Production, Precision Mold Development, Surface Treatment And Other Important Industrial Bases

Intelligent Socket Aluminum Shell

Smart socket aluminum shell

Hole customization Color customization Size customization

Smart socket aluminum shell professional custom production stamping

Xisheng Electric has accumulated decades of professional experience, with strong R & D technical capabilities,

And a vertically integrated production process to produce pivots and related components for various technologies,

Products are widely used in 3C products, communication products, medical products, auto parts, UPS power supplies, 5G high-speed network chassis shells

We do punch processing, mold development, surface treatment, paint printing according to the shape and size required by customers

Provide customers with complete, professional, accurate and fast delivery of integrated mechanical parts production services

联系我们: 衡山县| 沭阳县| 开远市| 苏尼特右旗| 三门峡市| 重庆市| 呼伦贝尔市| 苍溪县| 武夷山市| 黄大仙区| 叙永县| 郑州市| 河曲县| 革吉县| 盐边县| 迭部县| 临漳县| 志丹县| 东乡| 朝阳区| 金塔县| 威海市| 宁武县| 双桥区| 大同县| 元氏县| 兰溪市| 林芝县| 福鼎市| 内黄县| 洱源县| 利津县| 巫溪县| 台山市| 庄河市| 葵青区| 高清| 灵璧县| 连山| 嵩明县| 长阳|