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Build Into An International First-class Stamping Production, Precision Mold Development, Surface Treatment And Other Important Industrial Bases

Power Stretching Iron Shell

Power stretch iron shell

Hole customization Color customization Size customization

Power chassis iron shell professional custom production stamping

Xisheng Electric has accumulated decades of professional experience, with strong R & D technical capabilities,

And a vertically integrated production process to produce pivots and related components for various technologies,

Products are widely used in 3C products, communication products, medical products, auto parts, UPS power supplies, 5G high-speed network chassis shells

We do punch processing, mold development, surface treatment, paint printing according to the shape and size required by customers

Provide customers with complete, professional, accurate and fast delivery of integrated mechanical parts production services

联系我们: 北流市| 周口市| 通河县| 叙永县| 出国| 安义县| 普兰店市| 肥东县| 绍兴县| 乐昌市| 织金县| 玉门市| 海阳市| 建宁县| 安图县| 饶阳县| 宕昌县| 抚顺市| 比如县| 杂多县| 白山市| 铁力市| 马鞍山市| 深圳市| 龙游县| 剑阁县| 正镶白旗| 英山县| 商水县| 右玉县| 开远市| 渭源县| 栾川县| 涟源市| 雅江县| 金乡县| 石阡县| 永福县| 红原县| 丰都县| 上林县|