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Build Into An International First-class Stamping Production, Precision Mold Development, Surface Treatment And Other Important Industrial Bases

Copper Strip Of Power Socket

Power socket copper sheet

Hole customization Color customization Size customization

Power socket copper sheet professional custom production stamping

Xisheng Electric has accumulated decades of professional experience, with strong R & D technical capabilities,

And a vertically integrated production process to produce pivots and related components for various technologies,

Products are widely used in 3C products, communication products, medical products, auto parts, UPS power supplies, 5G high-speed network chassis shells

We do punch processing, mold development, surface treatment, paint printing according to the shape and size required by customers

Provide customers with complete, professional, accurate and fast delivery of integrated mechanical parts production services

Smart Socket Copper Sheet Brass Phosphor Bronze Red Copper Conductive Shrapnel Brass Stamping Sheet

All kinds of British regulations, European regulations, Australian regulations, American regulations, German regulations, Japanese regulations, European regulations, new national standard copper sheets

Applied to all kinds of smart power sockets, energy saving and environmental protection

联系我们: 乌兰察布市| 额济纳旗| 呈贡县| 格尔木市| 乐平市| 镇安县| 尼玛县| 连江县| 静海县| 贵港市| 绥化市| 广丰县| 平远县| 宣汉县| 盈江县| 保靖县| 夏津县| 阳原县| 思南县| 麻阳| 互助| 繁昌县| 陵水| 关岭| 婺源县| 盈江县| 来安县| 永川市| 英超| 阿拉善盟| 重庆市| 大化| 尉氏县| 大理市| 辉南县| 宁陵县| 鄂托克旗| 汉源县| 墨玉县| 醴陵市| 平塘县|